Large carrots, next generation carrots and then beetroot. All looking good!! I must confess that I haven't gone in for thinning the seedlings as we have had so many eaten by slugs and birdies that I'm hedging my bets!!! I'd rather have lots of small, slightly mishapen carrots and beetroot than one or 2 large perfect specimens!!And these are a couple of my beautiful pumpkin/courgette plants....I planted a tray with half anf half and now can't remember which half was which, so it will be a nice surprise!!
And on first glance this is a good photo of the strawberry plants, lavender, chives and mint by the water butt....but I have now just noticed a horrible reflection!!!!! AAAAAAAh!
And now for the animal pictures.....This is our little mallard duckling that we hatched out from an egg we found abandoned on the bank of the canal!!! It is obviously very tame and enjoys waddling about the house and cleaning up after the boys have made their lunch!!! Not sure if its a boy or a girl yet but it is soooooo cute and very funny to watch.
We currently have a full incubator, after the failing with the last 2 quails and the call duck eggs :(
In it we have some quite sought after eggs that another HE friend acquired from a farm school, and we have 14 out of 16 that are due to hatch next week. There are 6 Cream legbar eggs...which have a blue tint to them so will add even more interest to our egg tray!!! and 8 Old English Pheasant Fowl eggs which are reputed to be rare and only 100 adult females living in the country!!!! I am going to try to upload some pictures from the web of each breed to add here if I can.
And finally, a picture of Rob's new motorbike.....
It is a BMW 1100RS I think. Not our first choice of colour, but you don't look a gift horse in the mouth do you!! You never know, I may even get the chance to go out on the back again some day. 'sigh'
Oh and another photo to add....This is Jon and Bob (and friends) visiting us one evening while out on a hack!!!! Lucky boy isn't he!
1 comment:
Your beds of carrots and onions look a bit like ours with netting and tent poles. The only difference is that our dog - helped a little by a friend of his - trashed the construction by racing round and round all over it and the contents of the bed are now looking rather sad! Haven't even seen any carrots come up yet as we were late planting this year. I don't suppose this has been helped by the fact that the birds have used one of our raised beds as a dust bath this year so all the neat lines of seed sowing have been rather disturbed. The only things that have successfully grown in the bed are the Jerusalem Artichokes that I keep digging up cos I'm fed up with them growing everywhere!
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