Thursday 26 November 2009

And the word is cheese.

No, we haven't been making cheese. It is Jonathan's random word of the week. He uses instead of cool and wicked. He uses it as a curse. He uses it to break the silence or to get your attention. He has made up a silly song that he sings when you least expect it. He has also been gathering a collection of 'ch' words, such as chocolate and chips and today we have all been joining in!!! Tom has been making up silly sentences with all the cheesy words!
We had such gems as chestnut, chafe, chaps, cheshire, cheek, is quite bizarre really that my least 'wordy' son has taken to thinking of 'ch' words and involving the whole family!!!


funkyhan said...


rebntel said...

Well done Jonathan... a smile a day keeps grumpy mum away !

Big mamma frog said... about chihuaha? My personal favourite 'ch' word.