Sunday, 25 April 2010


So many questions in this house.

What keeps the floor up upstairs?

How does the sky stay there?

What would happen if the sun didn't come out?

Are there really aliens?

Where does the water go when it goes down the sink?

How do those plants grow in the water?

Why can the cockerel live with the chickens and Louis share a bed with Annie, but Merlin can't live with Sandy?

And other such gems!


Big mamma frog said...

Yeah...this morning I had the question from dd1:

'Do postmen go on planes?'


kelly said...

We get questions all the time, mostly beginning with "Why....."

Thank goodness for wikipedia!

rebntel said...

Have you guys left the country, hibernated or just gone out for the summer? Hope you are all well?

Anonymous said...

Yes, Caro, been wondering where you all are. Hope all is well.
Rob's Auntie Rose.

Anonymous said...

Its the same in my house!

Lou x