So here we have the first little mushrooms appearing on the surface of the compost in our mushroom kit.
Now, for someone who does not really like to eat mushrooms, at all, I have got ridiculously excited over these. I love fungi of all sorts as this post will remind you. I like nothing more than to go on a fungi spotting walk in the woods in autumn. I even fancy the idea of being able to identify the edible ones and cook them. But eat them? Oh no, not me! I'll leave that to Rob, David and Will.
This envelope arrived in the post earlier this week from the BBC Dig In website. Just after we had finished sowing all the seeds in the garden and the seedlings starting to come up in the 'greenhouse'!! Still, I daresay we'll find room for some more! I've never been one to say no to a freebie, and there is talk of a seedling swap going on with our HE group, so......
This is Will making soup in the garden, making the most of the sunny weather we have been having. Off and on!!!
Rob and I bought this in a charity shop before christmas and as luck would have it, Will disturbed an ants nest in the garden on Saturday, so we hurriedly collected as many as possible and put it together.
And this is the activity after only a few days!!!
Such busy little creatures, aren't they. Will and David have been fascinated by them, and as they are currently living in th ekitchen, we are all interested in their progress!
And this is the beautiful chicken pie that I made the other day without using any kind of recipe!! I just used some pre cooked chicken, some frozen peas and some gravy, and voila!! It very closely resembles a frozen chicken pie that used to be Jonathan's favourite a few years ago, and so it could be called a success!! Despite there being a little too much pastry!
This is Humphrey.... one of the cockerels that came from our friends house the other weekend. It is his friend, Sid vicious that is in the pie!!!! He was despatched by our own Jonny boy and myself not long after they arrived here. Our first. Humphrey is currently in remand. Or death row. Not really sure which. I quite like him. He has a pleasant disposition and is very handsome. Just far too big to be let loose on our girls. I am hoping that another friend of ours will want him, as he lost his over the winter to the fox. We shall see.
And here is Annie, sleeping with her head in the dog bowls! I think it is because the sun is shining there so they are warm, but it could be that she has a one track mind!!!!
This is one of the sheep we saw on the way down to the allotment the other day. Sun shining, lambs and daffodils. What could be more spring like?
And this is us on the way there. Well, it is Jonathan pushing Will and Annie in the wheelbarrow, and Tom carrying the tray of chitted potatoes!!
William's cress head.
and William with Charlie in his sling! Will's own idea just a little help from mum to get it to sit right!
There is more to catch up on, but I've got to do tea, so it'll have to wait until tomorrow now.
Happy Home Educating 2025
2 weeks ago
I wonder if that is the ant world we took to the charity shop lol. We got it secondhand and it sat in my wardrobe for two years (none of the kids fancied it), so back to the charity shop it went!
I wonder if they do a millepede world/woodlouse world? Would fit in nicely with dd's current obsessions :)
Lol! Could well, be. You never know!!!
And I think a millepede or woodlouse world would be a dead log!!!
Not even sure that they could market that very attractively!
We have an Ant World but the ants always seem to die off quickly.
Love the picture of Will and his doll is the sling, what a Sweetie.
As ever, hope to see you soon, life has been pretty hectic since Stanley arrived.
Louise X
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