Sunday, 31 May 2009

Still breathing....

Just to say that we are still alive and kicking.
I just don't have the mental space right now to blog xx


Liz said...

For good reasons, I hope? Sending hugs.

Carol said...

Hope you're OK - looking forward to hearing more. We miss your posts.

Carolyn said...

Thanks guys...feeling better today...back in the driving seat, as it were!!

Big mamma frog said...

I'm finding it hard to blog at the moment too. Just not high up on the list of priorities, not even as a displacement activity!

Sarah said...

Hiya, have a ((hug)) from me - hope you're feeling better now :)

Anonymous said...

Glad with the breathing thing people with a history of nursing in their background like me tend to be reassured by people breathing on a regular basis!
WE have missed your blogging !
love from