We drove through a nearby village yesterday on the way to an art gallery, and there were hand made boards up out side a couple of the houses in protest of plans to build a wind farm in a neighbouring field.
What is that all about???? The boards were on a very, very tight bend (almost 90 degrees) and in order to look at them, Rob alomost under steered the corner. So not only are the boards dangerous, and probably have no planning permission themselves but have they really thought it through? The boards protest not about the noise as a first concern, but the house prices!!!! What about the price of the world??
I have to say I was flabbergasted at the ridiculous campaign. 3 boards in the village, which is in the middle of nowhere.
We stayed in Wales last yearfor a month, in a mobile home, less than half a mile from a wind farm. The noise or visual impact was so small...we hardly noticed their presence.
They have been planning one very close to us. We have made no objections.
Have people got their prioties wrong? Or is it just me???
Happy Home Educating 2025
2 weeks ago
I think there were protests about one wind farm because it was thought it would disturb the autistic children at a nearby special needs school...now that I could understand. I guess not everyone sees their benefits, adn some just think of them as a blight on the landscape, similar to electricity pylons. Don't think I woudl protest as I find them strangely attractive. But I guess house prices would be affected. Anyway, I suppose it's just another one of those NIMBY things isn't it? Hasn't it been shown that their efficiency has been exaggerated and they don't actually produce as much electricity as companies claim? I'm never sure what to believe...
I often find that one odd myself... I quite frequently say that I'd like a turbine of my own... hahaha, with our garden, not likely!! But failing that can't they put them on Borough Hill?
Anyway, I think wind farms are beautful too, and far better to have one of those in my back yard than a nuclear power plant anywhere in the world if you ask me!!
Hi Carolyn, I always get annoyed with wind farm protesters. They can't see beyond the end of their noses, in my opinion. Better to have wind farms than nuclear power, as Hannah says. I wouldn't mind living next to a windfarm, they're incredibly soothing I think. When we drove through Germany in August on our way to Poland, wind farms were everywhere, and some of them were huge. They looked amazing. It was striking to realise how some countries are a little bit ahead of ours over this sort of thing!
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