Thursday 11 February 2010

Knitting bug.

Ok, it's official. I have joined the thousands of people out there who are knitting addicts!
Just seen some patterns for knitted play food and will add them to my long list of projects.
I especially like these....

Although I think I would leave out the face!!

And obviously I would need to make a whole set of these!

Anyone know where I could lay my hands on some orange wool?!!!! :-)


Anonymous said...

i'v no orange but if you want any red for apples or tomatos iv go plenty
love Granny cornwall

funkyhan said...

There's a good market stall with reasonable yarn in Northampton. I think it's a Tuesday, but I can ask for you?

I have some of the same sorts of things open in my browser window as we type... they've been open for days waiting to be printed out...

Yes, we're addicts, but at least we're productive addicts :D

Big mamma frog said...

OMG! That banana looks just kids would be causing me much embarrassment if we had one of those in the house. It's a BOY thing, you understand. Next they'd be drawing smiley faces on their...

Orange wool? Can I interest madame in some day-glow orange 100% cotton? I've only got about...30 balls in the loft. Ok, so it's not exactly carrot coloured, but I gotta use it for something!

Carolyn said...

Yes...boys. Of which I have plenty!!! Willie is particularly fond of.....his...
And yes, I must confess, when I started thinking about the odd colours I would need, I couldn't help thinking about your wool 'shop' !!!

Carolyn said...

I like the idea of being a productive addict, Han. Very good. Very good indeed!

Big mamma frog said...

You're very welcome to visit my wool 'shop' anytime!

Am having sock stress. Was close to finishing ds1's sock (halfway through toeshaping) and thought I'd just measure it on him. It's about 3 inches too short in the foot!!! Did that boy grow overnight or what?! Now I have to face the unpicking nightmare :(

Carolyn said...

Oh, no!!!!! I hate unpicking. That's enough to make me abandon a project!!

Big mamma frog said...

well I can manage unpicking when it's just two needles and thick wool. But 4ply on 4 needles...groan.

The thing is I have a grim feeling that the heel bit is rather small too, but I'm blowed if I'm going to unpick right back to there. Squeeze that foot in boy! You WILL fit the glass slipper, I've knitted it especially so you can go to the ball...

It must be the madness season cos I'm talking complete knitted bananas.