I'd like a pretty garden, really I would, but with wanting the chickens and the veg patch, there isn't much space for beauty if the boys are to have somewhere to play. Maybe nextyear we will look at some flowers that are hardy and low maintenace. I have got two honeysuckle plants to grow up the fence, which will certainly bring colour and attract the bees!
The two big boys are off fishing today at the resevoir with the boilies thay made last night, David is playing lego and Will is playing with some binoculars, being an explorer. Sun is shining intermittently despite the forecast for rain, and I am considering a frog lapbook with David....but when they are engrossed, it is wrong to pull them away, is it not. Hmm, so hard to get the timing right with these things.
And why is that when I am in the mood and have created the time for such 'schooly' things, does David (unaware of my intentions) find himself so engrossed in other things? And why does it feel such a big deal to get out the paper and things for the lapbooking/projects.....we seem to have so much stuff but it must be really badly organised or something for it to feel like that surely. Everything is in boxes, like things together. Books on shelves. Pencils and pens all easily accessible. I think it is just having Will that makes it so difficult to get going. Not knowing if he will leave us alone, join in nicely, or justbe co-operative by doing something alongside.
Oh help. Is it just me? I quite like the school at home feeling, as does David, but it is so hard to make it happen sometimes. Because we don't do it all the time, I guess. It doesn't come easily or naturally. Aaaah that must be it.
By the way, I think I just a duckling pipping inside its shell!! They area little late, but nothing in nature is set in stone.....I do hope 1 or 2 hatch outof the six. Fingers crossed everyone!
I'm jealous! I really miss my garden. Started planting veg in containers and grow bags the other day but its not the same.
As for getting the stuff out for lapbooking - some days (actually most days) it feels like a massive effort to do schooly stuff, even when they're keen. I usually find though that on the days I haul myself out of my apathy, it turns out to be worth the effort.
Good luck with the duckling - we have six chickens hatching as we speak.......
Yes I know that thing about hauling the kids away from something they are absorbed in to do soemthing 'schooly'. I had to stop myself yesterday from dragging ds2 away from the book he was reading (yes reading! enjoying!) to do some project-type stuff we are doing on Darwin and Evolution. He actually needed to do his morning 'jobs' first, so it was hard not to hassle him, yet I should be so pleased when he reads. My kids are kinda resenting the more structured stuff we're doing at the moment, but if we just mill around all day they get cranky and bicker with each other. ARrrgghh...it's hard to get it right! Have you seen the blog picture of our lounge when we were lapbookng the other day? MESS!!!
I don't know if this is helpful, but would it be useful to print out all the stuff for several lapbooks in one go... like the lesson preparation a teacher would do... could save you some time... but then, I guess you pick something he is interested on at the time... hmmm...
How about hanging baskets...
You know my pretty patio planters? well they've been all but emptied by excited chickens and children... well one child in particular. Have to decide whether to bother re-planting... hmmm...
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