Monday, 3 August 2009

And this is what we have been doing.....

Looking at the water..
Swimming in the water...( That little head bobbing about there is Rob btw)

Skimming stones across the water...

Pulling things out of the water...

Playing with things made of wood....

Building with things made of wood...


Big mamma frog said...

Ok, so what WAS that thing that you pulled out of the water?? I think it'd put me off swimming (the scary-looking fish, not the child). Did you cook it, Ray Mears-style, or throw it back in (the fish, not the child)?

Carolyn said...

Its a perch, Bmf. And no we didn't cook it this time...we have learned that fish from still waters tend to still taste of the water from whence they came!!! Also the fisherman himself doesn't like fish!!!
He also likes to trap rabbits but isn't a great one for eating them, either!!