Monday, 3 August 2009

This is where we have been hiding...

The Lake a beautiful little bothy on the shore of Loweswater. No electricity. No beds. No running water to speak of.


Big mamma frog said...

Hmm no electricity, no beds, no running water. I'm trying to visualise heaven. I think my version would include a room full of fantastic wool for knitting, my own tv where I could watch what I wanted without interruptions, an allotment without horsetail, and a bottle of Jamesons!

Anyway sounds like you've had a lovely time. Have you run away? lol

Carolyn said...

I wish. I tried to convince Rob that if we rented it for the whole year, we would probably get a discount on the rent, and it would undoubtedly work out cheaper than our mortgage and bills etc
But as he pointed job.
Minor detail, say I !!!!

Carol said...

Aaaahhhh, that's where you've been hiding! Hope you're feeling refreshed. XXX

rebntel said...

Wow!! I want to go there, just with Terry. No kids, no grandkids! Just me and my man and PEACE. Yaaaay!

Glad you had a good time. xx

Carolyn said...

We were refreshed when we left the bothy (although a litle down about leaving) and then we foolishly stoppped at a campsite for a couple of nights before going home!!! It rained solidly both nights and noone got any sleep!!! It was fine during the day though. But I am trying to forget about those nights and remember the gorgeous time we had at the bothy! LOL

lucy hutchinson said...

what a wonderful time you must have had!!! our idea of heaven. i really hope our lot grow up to be like your lot! just looking at the pictures makes us eager to run away. just had six weeks in france doing well...nothing. which, for kids, is a wonderful thing. (lots of sticks and mud!)
we have recruited quite a following for the next home ed camp. And this time we will have a plentiful supply of wine for the beltaine festival (essential in my opinion)
written tired so apologies for my spelling!
Lucy (from wales home ed camp) and the rest of the hutchinson family

Carolyn said...

Hey Lucy! Good to 'see' you!!
Thank you *blushes*
6 weeks in France you lucky, lucky things!!! Bliss. We'd love to go back there again but it just seems too much effort now there are more of us!!
Yes, wine fo rthe beltaine celebrations is defintiely essential...we too will bring a stash next year. Look forward to seeing you all again xx