Why is that we are so good at demolition and chaos in this house? I long for a neat and tidy house. Well, not maybe neat and tidy, but I'll settle for almost tidy!!! We get inspired, start having a sort out, do a bit of shifting about, a bit of painting and then when it is time to put it all back together again, I kind of lose the impetus.
Take this last week or two for example.
It first started with Tom exploding, after goodness knows how many years sharing with Jonathan who is, THE most untidy, messy (and dare I say dirty?) boy that has ever lived. Well, maybe he isn't but he is here!!! And even by our communal standards he is bad! Lol.
So we had a discussion and he requested that we had a change around. So Jon ended up with a room on his own (eek, proving the theory that crime pays!!!)because no one could o wanted to share with him. Tom ended up in with Will!!!! And David moved to a smaller room. The move went well. But there is still some sorting out to do from that. A few boxes left in the bathroom and some stuff in my room.
Then we painted he kitchen, while Rob was in the mood and still has some time on his hands. I was so fed up with not being able to wipe the dirt off the walls, for fear of losing the paint!!!
That led on to the tiling, a quick coat in the little bathroom and then the dining room was just a continuation of the kitchen....
So what am I left with???
Stuff everywhere not in the right place. Every surface needs washing. The feeling that there is just too much to do and not knowing where to start!!!! I have done lots this morning already, and have just stopped for a cup of coffee, but there is always the stuff that never really had a home in the first place....what do I do with that?!!! I like the uncluttered look of the rooms when you empty it to decorate, but we can't keep it like that. It seems to be impossible!! The kitchen and dining room is the centre of activity in this house and is therefore full of stuff.
I just wish I could whittle it down a bit.
Right. Back to the monumental task in hand!!!
Tiles look nice though. :-)
Home Ed Daily!
5 days ago
I feel for you, I feel for myself who is in the same position even before doing the decorating. And your boy can't be the dirtiest boy in existence because I have him.
Hi Maire...good to know I am not alone!!!
Well we've been here 7 months and I still have a stack of boxes in the hallway containing light fittings, curtains, curtain poles etc I would dearly like to see up, replacing the hideous stuff we inhereted when we moved in....I truly expect it'll still be there in another 7 months!
Life is just too short...............but I actually find I can't concentrate in mess. Think I am bordering on the obsessional with that one. Not ideal as a home educator with 4 kids eh ;-)
Hi Carolyn, I know what you mean, I love that de-cluttered look... but it can't happen in a house with 4 children! I do try to keep it all under control though, because I just can't live in a mess, it really does drive me nuts. It's OK up to a point but once that point is reached... I'm on the rampage. I got fed up with my over-crowded wardrobe last week and went through every item of clothing I own and got rid of 4 bags of it (to charity). It felt great. Good luck with it! XX
I think the only way I've found to get all those DIY/ decorating jobs finished around the house AND declutter is to put the house on the market or invite someone to stay that you really want to impress ;). I still have boxes in the loft, untouched, from when we moved in 12 years ago...{g}
Lol Bmf, you see we have soooo much in common!! We regularly put our house on the market on a whim of an exciting house move...we have a good clear up, paint a few walls and then hey presto, come back down to earth with a seriously big bump!!!!
I think it's something to do with it being January that you just get utterly fed up with your own 4 walls and the great teetering piles of books, pictures, half-made lego masterpeices, notebooks, pots of beads and bits of ripped up paper, felt food, pink finger-knitting, blue finger-knitting, magazines half cut up for a scrapbook, a pair of scissors, 3 dirty socks and a model Thomas - which seem to make up our entire house.
I do sometimes just want to get rid of everything and sit in an utterly empty house and appreciate the space...
Yes that sounds about right, Liz. But what excuse can I use on Monday?!!!!
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