He has been a much talked about topic in our house, these last few weeks for a number of reasons..
1.Although Merlin was purchased (rescued) for David, I knew that the enthusiasm of the boy wouldn't last and so it now falls to me generally to feed and clean him out most days.
2.He has had a number of baths, which he REALLY enjoys, to try to combat the pungent aroma that IS Merlin.
3.Probably related to the one above, but I feel deserves a point in its own right, is the fact that Merlin has recently taken a strong interest in certain soft toys that have been left on the floor...namely one brown beaver and a not so white cat. Lets just say that this behaviour has led to some interesting discussions about sex and babies!!
4.Also, possibly related to the above 2 points, is the fact that every so often Merlin decides that he doesn't want to use his litter tray and will leap up on to the sofa as soon as my back is turned and WEE!!!!!! YUK. This will NOT be tolerated, as opposed to the interest in the soft toys which just makes everyone fall about laughing!!!
But what are we to do? Find him a girlfriend? or take him to the vets and have him castrated? Either option sounds expensive and/or lots of hassle. Hmmmmmm.
So today, having spent yesterday in his cage in disgrace, I let Merlin outside in the snow....about 10 o'clock and he has only just decided to come in!!!! Its half past 1 now. He had a lovely time out there, skipping about and exploring, and sitting in the patch of sunshine. He even had a frolic around with Louis.
Who, incidently, adores the snow too. He rushes around grabbing mouthfuls, shoving his nose in as far as it will go and deliberately throwing hmself into snow drifts and leaping around like a deer!!! He has been loving it!!!
This is Will and David enjoying some painting. David is painting a peacock and Will as usual, is narrating as he paints.
Will hasn't been out in the snow much. He is finding it too cold and he has actually had a bit of a cold the last week too. Poor wee boy.
So, I thought I would knit him a balaclava as the one he usually wears is too big and therefore not as snug and warm as it could be. So I searched on the internet and found a pattern that was from WW2. It looked just the thing and dead easy too. I needed to make it smaller than the one in the picture so I guessed that by using smaller gauge needles and finer wool, it would be just that.....
Oops! Too small. So this one is winging its way to Hannah for Willow when she is out and about in the Mei Tei.
And these are the cornish pasties we made this morning, inspired by a post that I read here yesterday.
They were yummy! A lovely hot lunch before the boys went off to the woods to gather........wood!!!
It was fun but we'd like spring to come now please!
that is a lovely bit of knitting :) can't wait to see you... and have a nice walk perhaps :D
Love the Merlin news, Ollie has just had a read, and is inspired to let Bobby out in the snow tomorrow. We're going to block off the gate and let him go for it... or not! We'll see how he likes it. I haven't been out much, took Jude to school yesterday morning but Finn got so cold... and it took ages as I walked really slowly, don't want to risk a fall right now. Hope to see you soon. X
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